Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Greece, Iran, Syria, & Turkey

Mary's Iran visa photo

Mary's Iran visa photo

Bob's Iran visa photo

Bob's Iran visa photo

Friday, May 27, 2011



 Our Croatian guide gave us a history lesson and and when it came time for the war between the Serbs and Croats she told us her own personal experience of surviving the war. She was 17 at the time and had a Serb boyfriend she had been going with and was in love. She went to his house one morning after a date the night before and when she arrived a strange man answered the door. When she asked for her Serbian boyfriend  the man said he and his family were gone. She asked when he would be back and the man said he was not coming back nor was his family coming back.  She couldn’t understand what was going on. Two days later the war started and her town was bombed.
When the bombing started she lived in the basement of her house and when her house was bombed she moved into the neighbors basement. She slept in her clothes every night with her shoes by the bed and a backpack by the door. During the 4 years of war and the constant bombing, she graduated from high school, married, had a baby, graduated from college and started teaching history. 

Our Best Meal of the Trip

The travel company we are with always arranges for a dinner with a local family. The bus took us to a farm community where 8 of us sat at a table and had our best meal in Croatia. The main course was cabbage rolls and mashed potatoes and the cabbage and potatoes both were grown on the farm. Everything was homemade. the fresh cheese (made that morning), the aged cheese, the fresh baked bread, the pickled red peppers, the prosciutto they had butchered and smoked, the wine and the grappa (homemade brandy), and apple strudel. The prosciutto was excellent.

Drying Cheese outdoors in a screened box.

Dancing after dinner.

Cruising the Dalmatian Coast

This trip was not all work. Here is Mary in her PJ's.

Hvar Croatia

The Fishing Village of Korcula Croatia

Photos of Zagreb Croatia